Tree Removal & Hazardous Tree Removal

Remove Hazardous Trees From Your Property

Remove Hazardous Trees From Your Property

Hire us for tree removal services and hazardous tree removal in the Fortuna, CA area

Is an unstable or overhanging tree on your property in danger of falling? Are you worried that an upcoming storm could knock a tree into your home? Hire Tree Tactics in Fortuna, CA for expert tree removal services. We specialize in hazardous tree removals, making sure that you and your property are not in danger of damage or harm.

Call us at 707-616-2929 today to set up an appointment.

Learn the signs of a hazardous tree

There are a range of signs that may indicate that a tree on your property is about to fall. Contact us for tree removal services if you notice:

  • Large cracks or splitting
  • Erosion or raised earth at the base of the tree
  • Overhanging sections
  • Unproportionate weight distribution on limbs or overall growth

Are any of these issues present in your trees? Do you see something you don't feel safe about? Reach out to our team immediately for hazardous tree removal services, we're always happy to come take a look to ensure our customers safety.